City of Star Recreation - Volleyball Coach Registration
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Volleyball Coach Registration

Sport Volleyball Coach Registration
Register to coach volleyball, whether it is your kid or you want to coach. Coaches get free registration for their child, pick their practice days and times, pick a plus one player besides their child, and get a FREE coach shirt. View details for league information.
All registration options are closed
Program Details
Program start date: Oct 21, 2024
Program end date: Dec 20, 2024
Male, Female
Eligible only if born on or after: -
Eligible only if born on or before: Dec 31, 2006
Sports Youth Leagues
Eligibility text
18 and older
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: Aug 13, 2024
Registration end date: Oct 18, 2024
The season will begin Oct. 21  through Dec 20, practices are,
2015/16 at 530 on Mondays

Practice is at 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. Game times are the same as on weeknights; Saturday games range from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

All practices are at Hunters Creek.
Games for 2021 through 2015 are at Hunters Creek.
Games for 2014 and older are 50% at Hunters Creek and 50% at Heroes Park in Meridian.

We have community equipment for coaches to use, or you can purchase your own, and we have some available in the coach's store. 

We offer the MOJO app, which has all the drills and skills the kids need. This app lets you concentrate on helping the kids rather than making a practice plan. 

All that is needed is a will to help the kids have a good time; coaches need to undergo a background check and concussion training, which the City pays for.


Refunds will only be considered when requested 3 business days prior to the start date of the program.  Any day after the 3 days, no refunds will be considered.  There is a $10.00 administrative refund fee for any refunds.


There are 3 refunds available:

1.    Registration Code:  There is no charge for this refund.  You will receive a registration code which is good for your family to use, up to a year, on one sports league registration.  The code is good for either resident or non-resident registration fee only, it does not cover any late fee, league fee, equipment or uniform fee that might apply for a sport. 

2.    Credit Card Refund:  Depending on the purchase time we are able to refund a credit card.

3.    Check refund:  There is an additional $5.00 processing fee to receive a check and the check will be processed 7 business days after request.


Late and convenience fees are non-refundable.



                I, as the participant and/or parent/legal guardian of the minor child listed, and in consideration for allowing myself or my minor child to participate in the city’s recreation programs, and activities noted, hereby acknowledge, and agree as follows on behalf of myself and my child:

                1.  I have requested that I or my minor child be allowed to participate in the city’s recreation program(s) and activities recognizing that such participation involves, or may involve, risks, both known and unknown, of physical injury or illness.

                2.  By signing this release, I, on behalf of myself and my minor child, expressly assume all risks, known and unknown, of injury, illness and property damage to myself, my minor child, or to any third party arising from or related to my or my child’s participation in the city’s recreation program(s), including any illness or other injury related to COVID-19 or any other virus.  I understand that the registered activities and services may have an element of hazard or inherent danger and I take full responsibility for me or my child’s actions and physical condition.

                3.  By signing this release, I, on behalf of myself and my minor child, expressly exempt, waive, release and discharge in advance the city, it employees, officers and agents, from any and all claims, liabilities, actions, or damages for injury, illness or loss that may arise from my or my child’s participation in the city’s recreation program(s) and activities.  I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify the city, its employees, officers, and agents, from all injuries, damage, loss claims or demands including but not limited to attorney’s fees, medical, and ambulance costs which arise from or are related to me or my child’s participation in the city’s recreation program(s) and activities.

                4.  I understand that this agreement incorporates the entire understanding and agreement between myself, my minor child, and the City of Star, its officers, employees, agents and representatives, and that it cannot be modified or changed in any way by the statements, promises or representations of any employee or agent of the city; and that this agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of Idaho, and that if any portion is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall continue in full legal force and effect.

                5.  By executing this agreement I also do hereby authorize the city, its employees, officers, and agents, to seek medical assistance for myself or my minor child in the event of injury or illness occurring to me or my child while participating in any city recreational program or activity.  I also understand that the city, its employees, officers, and agents will not be responsible for administering any medications.

                6.  I understand that no health, and/or accident insurance is provided for these activities and I, the undersigned parent or guardian or the participant, accept full responsibility for obtaining the same or for payment of all expenses in the absence of such insurance.

                7.  I give my consent to use any photographs and or video recordings taken of me or my child for future promotional or marketing materials at no cost. This includes and is not limited to any social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Tik Tok).

                8.  My signature below indicates that I have read this document in its entirety, that I understand it completely, and that it affects my legal rights and the legal rights of my child, and that I, along with all heirs, assigns and personal representatives for myself and my child, agree to be bound by its terms.  I also acknowledge that I am providing this waiver and release in advance for the benefit of the city knowing that all possible risks or causes of injury can neither be foreseen nor eliminated.



The City of Star Sports Programs are Recreational Programs where everyone is learning the fundamentals of a sport.  Mistakes will be made by everyone involved, no one knows more than the person who made the mistake, please use reverence. 

Introductory Statement:  The following code of conduct shall apply to all participants in the City of Star Recreation division, leagues, and tournaments and will be enforced before, during, and after all games.  Participants/Spectators who remain on City property after their scheduled games are still representing the City of Star and are governed by the Code of Conduct on all parks which City of Star participants/spectators are represented during away games.  The Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to impose stronger or lesser penalties than indicated on the Code of Conduct as dictated by individual circumstances.  Participants/Spectators who have been removed from any game or league may not be present at the event site for the duration of the penalty.    


1.    NO PLAYER/COACH/SPECTATOR SHALL:  At any time lay a hand upon, shove, strike, or threaten an official/coach/player. 


2.    NO PLAYER/COACH/SPECTATOR SHALL:  Refuse to abide by official’s decisions or be guilty of objectionable demonstration of dissent at official’s decision.  


3.    NO PLAYER/SPECTATOR SHALL:  Discuss with an official in any manner the decision reached by such official except the coach or team manager and only during half time or end of game, never during the game.


4.    NO PLAYER:  Be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body of an opposing player. 


5.    NO PLAYER/COACH/SPECTATOR SHALL:  Be guilty of an abusive verbal attack upon any player, official, or spectator.  May not use foul, obscene language, or provoking gestures while on the playing field/sidelines/court/dugout/bench. 


6.    NO PLAYER/COACH/SPECTATOR SHALL:  Appear upon the field of play, dugout, or bleachers at any time during league play under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Nor shall a player/spectator drink alcohol or indulge in drugs before, during, or directly after the game.  Under City ordinance drinking is prohibited in City parks.


7.    NO SPECTATOR SHALL:  Coach from the side lines or goal lines.  Spectators must sit on the same side of the field or court as their team and coaches.  Coaching means:  Communicating directions to kids other than your own child.  All spectators must stay in the spectator area and are not allowed to move up and down the sideline but must remain in their general area.


8.    NO PLAYER/COACH/SPECTATOR SHALL:  Use tobacco on city parks, this includes electronic devices.


All above violations are enforceable by referees, volunteers, and Park & Rec employees.  PLAYERS/COACHES/SPECTATORS will be warned one time, if behavior persists, they will be ejected for the park.  Players & coaches who get ejected from a game will be suspended from the remainder of that game plus the next scheduled game.  All ejected infractions will go to the Parks & Rec Department for review and may add disciplinary actions on a case-by-case basis, this my include but not limited to, expulsion from the league.


SPECIAL NOTES:  No comments are to be made to the referees except encouraging ones.  If you have concerns with referees, coaches, or spectators please contact the onsite Rec personnel.  All games will have a Rec personnel present, practices may or may not have personnel present, if one is not present you can contact us 208-286-7247 ext 4004or email Ron at [email protected].

Any player/coach/spectator placed on probation for the remainder of the season and reported AGAIN for violating any aspect of the “Code of Conduct” may be suspended for the remainder of the season.


Any player/coach/spectator removed from a game may be required to leave the park or facility immediately.  Failure to do so may carry a maximum penalty.  Any spectator asked to leave the premises must do so immediately.  If he/she fails to comply, the police will be called.



I agree with the Star waiver, refund and code of conduct policies.

All registration options are closed