City of Star Recreation - FAQ
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I can't see a program to register, or it won't let me click the registration button.   Closed programs do not appear on the website, and if you can't click the button, it is because registration has ended. Also, some recreation classes are full and have a waitlist.   

How do I get information about a program? You can view the details of any open program. Click view details next to the registration button. 

How do I know if I am a resident or non-resident? If you pay City of Star taxes on your yearly tax assessment, you are a resident; everyone else is a non-resident. 

How do I get to my account to pay the balance or change information?
Click here to log into your account. You create your password the first time you enter; if you forget your password, use forgot password to reset it. If you see +tps in your log, you must log in precisely the way your welcome letter states.

When do I know when practices and games are? About one week before the season begins, you will receive a WELCOME email with your login and team information. When you log in, you will be taken to your team page. Your practice and game schedule is located there, and you can view your entire season's schedule by clicking on the left side where it says schedule.

How do I know if I wear a blue or black shirt? In your schedule, you will see next to your team's name either a blue house or a green arrow; the blue house means you're the home team, so wear your blue shirt, and the green arrow means you are the away team, so wear the black shirt. Everyone is told to bring both to the games, just in case. 

My log in has my email and +tps1. What is +tps1? The system uses +tps1 to indicate that there is more than one person attached to this player, and it tells the system to make sure everyone with this email address is classified as a family. You might have to use +tps in your login, but you should be able to use your email address, and your family will be attached.  

How are teams formed? Teams are computer-generated, and players are placed on teams by age and gender.

Can I request a coach or friend? No

Are there play-ups or play-downs? Yes - on a per-individual basis and must be evaluated by a coach before playing up. 

What is the practice and game schedule? Please view the registration details for the game and practice details. It is up to the coaches when they practice. In our programming, we limit our meeting times to no more than three times per week: two practices and a game for older kids and usually one practice and a game for younger kids. We try to do all sports on weeknights. 

Can we pick our practice days and times? Coaches choose their practice days and times, not parents; if you want to make your schedule, consider coaching. 

Are coaches paid? No, our coaching staff is a volunteer.  

What if I want to coach? If you volunteer to coach, you will coach your child + 1 player (this player can be either your asst. coach or a child friend). A code is available in the program details to receive your FREE registration. If you wish to coach, please use that code. 

When should I hear from the coaches or my team? Everything is done online; you will receive an email from us about one week before the start of the season. Our email will allow you to view your child's team and schedule. You may or may not hear from the coach, but we encourage our coaches to email you before the first practice.  

Do we need uniforms? All ages and sports require uniforms; you will see the uniforms during registration. If you have the same uniform, then you do not need to purchase another. We aim to keep your costs down, so we try to use them if the manufacturer can supply them. The uniforms are not gender specific, so all your athletes can wear the same uniform. You must purchase one if your uniform does not match the pictured uniform in the registration.

Why do the uniforms have two shirts? Blue is for home games, and black is for away games; the system will tell you if you are home or away.

Why do I get a lot of emails? We try to limit emails, so we only send them out when necessary; depending on how the email is sent, you could receive the same email for every child in our system; we apologize if you get too many. We are trying to limit them. Another reason people get emails is reminders. Our system is designed to email you a reminder 2 hours before every practice and game; you can turn this feature off on your team page; there is a button to Subscribe to Schedule Reminders. Click NO; the default is yes, and you must do this for every team you are with.

I am not getting emails. Please check your SPAM folder and move us to a trusted email, or you're in a box.

I forgot to order, or your child's uniform no longer fits; what do I do? You can go to our online store: You can purchase uniforms, extra shirts, or shorts, but the online store is closed after registrations. After that, you must email Ron at [email protected]. We have extra uniforms, but you will have to come and pick them up.